Saturday, February 6, 2010

Bmi 16.5 54 Im 16, 5'6, 145 Pounds. My BMI Is Normal, But Im Fat, But People Cant Tell With My T-shirt On. How Do I Lose?

Im 16, 5'6, 145 pounds. My BMI is normal, but im fat, but people cant tell with my t-shirt on. How do i lose? - bmi 16.5 54

lol. In 17, 5'10 and weighs 155th I am only 7% body fat. To maintain the information you provided, I can honestly say that they are not fat. You're probably a skinny teenager. This means that not only the tone and probably the softness in places you would rather not.

My first suggestion would lift weights. Everyone knows that your muscles burn the calories and fat utilization. Typically, the muscle that you are in your body, the faster your metabolism.

Try to eat well, not too many carbohydrates. In search of energy is the first thing your body but can not. Do not give up, that they eat more protein and fruit. Fruits increased protein metabolism and help burn fat and repair muscle. Make your body burn fat for your form of energy.

But, they warn, because they are 16, do not expect to see results big muscle mass. You probably have not physically mature yet. lol. Cardio is good, but if you want to keep weight and stay toned and not too thin. Strength training is where it's at ... This is what I do ..

Ladies love the six-pack =)


jslover9... said...

Your not fat. You probably have to tone. Try squatting or pumps or lifiting pesos but honestly fine

C V said...

5'6 "and 145 # is not fat (such as body mass index is normal.)

It's not healthy to insist that you are fat, when she is not (which is what causes people to * really * fat in the diet fad, or a hospital with bulimia and anorexia.)

What really counts is how you look. Check yourself in the mirror and pick up things of this guide:

Love Handles? Doing cardio
No muscle tone? Do strength training (including sit-ups for ABS)

If you really feel too heavy, you can try, not just heart and try to eat less junk food (mashed vegetables instead of fries) and no fast food!

Good luck.

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